Partnering with Schools
Supporting Students
Changing Lives

We’re on a mission to provide every student in the U.S. with a tutor who gets them. Our team recruits, trains, and supports a corps of caring adults, to help each student reach their full potential. GO is already tutoring over 5,000 students at public schools across the Northeast and MidAtlantic. We bridge the gap between what schools can provide and what students need to thrive-not just as students but as individuals with big dreams and bright futures.

We’re partnering with schools, supporting students and changing lives.

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Years of Service
Partner Schools
Tutors Each Year
Students Served Each Year
Year of Service

GO Fellowship

Past tutors have found the experience to be among the most challenging and rewarding of their lives. It has provided them with the skills and experience to begin a career in education or simply to give back to the community before going on to pursue a career outside of education. Many report that the experience is what set them apart from others when applying to graduate school or to competitive job openings.

About the Program
Make a Difference

Fellow Impact

GO Fellows serve as tutors, supplementing the instruction that students receive in the classroom. Fellows will:

  • Help students and their families stay connected 
to their school

  • Close the opportunity gap

  • Mentor and inspire students to reach their full potential

Our Model

Annual Projected Growth

At Center City Public Charter Schools in Washington, D.C., students with a Fellow significantly outperformed the students without one. Specifically, 62% of students with a Fellow met their annual projected growth in math or ELA, compared with 49% of students without a GO Fellow according to the i-Ready assessment — a 13 point difference.
Partner Schools

Get To Know Our Schools

Fellows spend their year of service in one of GO’s partner schools, where they will provide tutoring in English and math during the school day, working with students using instructional materials aligned with those used in the classroom. Fellows will also be a mentor to a small number of students, lead after-school programming, and help keep students and their families connected to the school.

Our Schools
Our Blog

Insights to GO

Day in the Life at Legacy Middle School

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Fall Reading List

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Being Present: The Link Between Fellow-Family Connections and Academic Outcomes

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Investing in What Works

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How Tutoring Improves Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism

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GO Tutor Corps logo

New Name, Same Mission: GO Tutor Corps

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Let’s Connect

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in GO Tutor Corps! If you have questions about our AmeriCorps Fellowship program, GO partners schools, or GO Tutor Corps itself, please use the form below to get in touch.