Notes from Tutorial: Lidia Llompart

March 2025
Vijay Rikhye 

Lidia Llompart has made a lasting impact on both the students and everyone around her at Cardozo High School in Washington, D.C. We’re excited to see her start her next chapter with an internship in the Civil Service with the State Department.  

Why did you join the GO Fellowship?

I joined the GO Fellowship because, as an immigrant, I understood the importance of embedding myself in the community I want to call home for the foreseeable future. I believe there is no better way to do that than by exploring the issues faced by the city’s youth. I knew that, as a kid, I would have loved to receive the type of tutoring we provide.

This fellowship enabled me to bridge the gap created by the lack of access to resources that many students face. For example, I was able to inform my students about opportunities and resources—such as college advice and tips—that they otherwise wouldn’t have known. I especially focused on supporting students academically and encouraging them to succeed.

What did you learn during your service? 

I’ve learned about the resilience and strength that educators have, as well as the patience it takes to impact young minds.

Do you have a favorite moment from this year? 

One of my favorite moments was seeing information finally click in my students’ minds. When they finally understand a concept or make a breakthrough in their education, those moments are irreplaceable.

For example, when my students and I went through a poem about a bilingual author’s relationship with her Spanish-speaking father, we explored the author’s struggle to make her father understand that, just because she is learning English and speaking it at home, that does not mean he is losing his daughter.

At first, the students found it challenging to “read between the lines” of the poem. However, after carefully reading through it, they came to understand the main character’s struggle to reassure her father about their relationship. It was a breakthrough moment because some of the students began to identify with the poem. It was beautiful to see them realize that the experience they were living was not unique to them.

What are you going to do after this? 

After my service, I will be joining the Department of State for a Spring 2025 internship. I am hoping to eventually step into a permanent civil service position so that I can help shape foreign policy.

How will the Fellowship help you with your next steps? 

The ability to think on my feet and problem solve will be useful everywhere I go.

Learning how to work with different kinds of people is also essential. When you work at a school, you don’t just work with children; you’re also working with adults all the time. You’re learning to navigate spaces where you don’t have a lot of authority. Navigating social spaces in a workplace can be complicated, especially with varying levels of hierarchy. It can be difficult, but once you understand how people work and operate socially, it’s a skill you can take to any workplace.

How have you liked living in DC? 

I came to DC for graduate school at American University, following my undergraduate education in Florida. Leaving Florida was a scary prospect at first—leaving behind friends, family, my favorite food spots, and my community. But as I embarked on this fellowship with the GO Tutor Corps and made new connections at Cardozo, I was able to forge my own community with these new relationships. 

Do you plan to keep in touch with any students or peers? 

I already stay in contact with some teachers I worked with last year when I started, and I definitely plan to attend my students’ high school graduation when the time comes.

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