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Tutoring & Mentoring Key to Recovery From COVID

On Tuesday evening, President Biden delivered the State of the Union Address in which he laid out his plan to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning. In his address, he issued a call for more mentors and tutors to serve at their local schools.
“President Biden has called on Americans to serve our students and their recovery and I encourage those who are interested in answering his call to action to consider joining AmeriCorps. If there was ever a time to lean into AmeriCorps, it’s now.” said AnnMaura Connolly, the President of Voices for National Service, a DC based advocacy organization.
GO Foundation’s mission is to provide students with access to a quality education through high-dosage tutoring — exactly what the President called for in his address. I’m pleased to share that the GO Foundation contributed material to the White House in support of this element of the President’s speech. GO’s AmeriCorps members are actively serving in schools throughout the Northeast, supporting students and their learning as they attempt to make up for time lost to the pandemic. If you know of someone who has something to contribute through a year of service, we are seeking tutors who would begin working with students next August; have them apply (click here) to the GO AmeriCorps Fellowship program providing tutoring to students at schools in urban neighborhoods throughout the Northeast