Alumni at GO-WIL (2021-2022)
Alma Mater: Iona College
Akilah Hartgrove – GO Legacy Elementary (LES)

We are excited to introduce you to our Fellows Corner! Our Fellows and alumni will take the time to share more about their experiences as part of the program. Akilah Hartgrove was a Fellow for GO Legacy Elementary and documented her experience as a Fellow.
Akilah applied her own background and can empathize with young people, especially those who might learn differently.
Akilah shares that her role as a Fellow has allowed her to use her background and what she has gone through to understand all the different learning styles of the students she is working with, make them feel comfortable, make them feel safe and supported. In the passage below, Akilah documents her day as a GO Fellow.
What subject do you tutor?
I teach 4th grade math.
Can you describe your daily routine as a Fellow?
I arrive at school and get ready for the day, this includes going through emails prior to class beginning. From 8:45am – 10:00am in class with the 4th grade math teacher. There are also breakout rooms with around 4 students, few other fellows in class as well.
I have 3 tutorial sessions with 3 different 4th grade homerooms, each around an hour to 1:15pm. My day ends around 2/2:15pm.
At 2:45 after school time begins – sometimes scholars get extra academic support – students she has made connections with might ask for more time and will stay past 3:30.
Can you discuss your training experiences as a Fellow?
I started in mid-Oct and became comfortable in the role around November/December. I didn’t have her groups solidified by late November/December. I was also able to form the bonds 4-6 weeks into my program.
I also came in as a fellow and had to hit the ground running. It was important to focus on the program’s mission and their purpose.
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