Alumni at GO-Legacy (2021-2022)
Alma Mater: Earlham College
Lucas Hoffman

Before venturing off into the corporate world, I want to have an experience that will open my eyes to the disparities and the variety of backgrounds present in this country. Growing up in a predominantly white, straight, and conservative community, I found it difficult to connect with people who didn’t look like me. Going out of state for school, and especially going to a school that was dedicated to education on social justice, I was introduced to how my privileges have enabled me to be successful and how I can be an advocate for those who may not have those same benefits. As a child, I struggled to fit in and to find the support I needed in school to be successful and would have loved to have someone in the classroom to positively influence my interest in the course and provide personal support as well. Giving back to your communities is necessary for developing your full self, and what better way to do that than to provide support for the future workers, teachers, leaders, etc. of this country.
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